Monday December 5th, 2022
Renewing Helper Contract in Singapore: A Guide In Singapore, hiring a domestic helper has become a common practice for many households. With the increasing demand for help in managing household chores, caregivers, and assistance for the elderly, renewing helper contracts has become an essential process for many employers. However, the process can be tricky, especially… View Article
Renewing Helper Contract in Singapore: A Guide
In Singapore, hiring a domestic helper has become a common practice for many households. With the increasing demand for help in managing household chores, caregivers, and assistance for the elderly, renewing helper contracts has become an essential process for many employers. However, the process can be tricky, especially for those who are new to the process. Therefore, this guide aims to provide you with the necessary information on how to renew helper contracts in Singapore.
What is a Helper Contract?
A helper contract is an agreement between the employer and the domestic helper outlining their employment terms and conditions. These can include the helper`s job scope, salary, working hours, rest days, and any other benefits. The helper contract must comply with the Ministry of Manpower`s requirements and regulations.
When to Renew a Helper Contract?
An employer must renew their helper`s contract at least one month before it expires. Doing so allows both parties to discuss and agree on any changes to the terms and conditions of their employment. The contract`s validity period is generally two years, after which it must be renewed.
What are the Steps to Renew Helper Contract?
1. Notify the Domestic Helper: Inform your domestic helper at least one month before their contract expires. This will give them enough time to prepare and plan for the upcoming renewal.
2. Review Employment Terms: Review your current employment terms and conditions with your domestic helper, and evaluate whether there are any changes that need to be made. If there are, discuss them with your helper and ensure that both parties agree with the changes.
3. Submit Renewal Application: Submit your renewal application online via MOM`s Work Permit Online system. You can log in using your SingPass. Ensure that all required documents are attached, including a valid insurance policy, Identity Card, and helper`s passport.
4. Wait for Approval: Once you have submitted the renewal application, you will receive an acknowledgment of receipt. You will have to wait for 1-2 weeks for the application to be processed and approved. If your renewal application is rejected, MOM will provide you with the reasons and necessary steps to take.
5. Update your Helper`s Information: Once your renewal application has been approved, update your domestic helper`s details, including their work permit, passport, and insurance policy.
In conclusion, renewing a helper contract in Singapore can be a straightforward process if you follow the necessary steps. Ensure that you inform your domestic helper early, review your employment terms, and submit your renewal application on time. By doing so, you can avoid any unnecessary complications and continue to receive the benefits of having a domestic helper in your household.